Login: I am in a “challenge loop”
If you are seeing repeated challenges to your successful login, one after another, then you are in a challenge loop. This can occur when you are changing the login context while you are confirming your login attempt. To overcome the challenge loop, remain on the login page where you were just challenged and use a…
Login: Am I being challenged on my login attempt?
When you login, you may see a screen that looks like this: When you see this screen, our Continuous Adaptive Trust mechanism is not certain your login attempt was from you. Therefore, it reaches out to you and asks for a login confirmation. This is called multi-factor authentication.
Licensing: Adding a license to your Itatem Identity User Account using an organization code
Login to your Itatem Identity User Account via: https://ib.itatem.com You will see your accounts main area. It will look something like this: Using the navigation menu on the left side of the screen, click on the “M Annual Subscriptions” link: Clicking on “My Annual Subscriptions” will show you a screen like this: This will show…
Creating a new Itatem account
Creating a new Itatem Identity Account is easy. Adding your license will ensure your account lasts. To begin, go to the Itatem Identity Bank website and create a new account: https://ib.itatem.com/new_account.php You will see a screen that looks like this: Enter your identity details and press the “CREATE ACCOUNT” button. The system will receive your…