Licensing: Adding a license to your Itatem Identity User Account using an organization code

Login to your Itatem Identity User Account via:

You will see your accounts main area. It will look something like this:

Using the navigation menu on the left side of the screen, click on the “M Annual Subscriptions” link:

Clicking on “My Annual Subscriptions” will show you a screen like this:

This will show you any active licenses you currently have. If you do not have any active licenses, nothing will be listed.

To license your account with your valid organization code. Please click on the “New Itatem License” link on the top right of the list of licenses.

You will see a screen like this:

To license your account and to add your relationship with your organization, please click on the “I have an Organization Code” link. You will then see a screen like this:

In the text box, copy and paste or enter the Organization Code you received from your organization. Then press the “Use Organization Code” button.

If your Orgaization Code is valid, you will see a screen like this:

Now click on the “My Annual Subscriptions” link on the navigation menu on the left side of your screen. You will now see a license has been added to your Itatem identity User Account. Similar to this:

Your license will remain active until the “End Date” listed with your license.






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